Monday, September 1, 2008

My 2 year old won today

I have been feeling pretty good about how well I'm fathering my children lately. Today I my 2 year old took care of all that. He beat me. The day is over now and he is asleep, but he won. All day he stayed in control. Even as he went to sleep he let us know he was not down for good. We were praying in the prayer room with McKenna, and we heard him yelling from his bed, "Mom can you cover me up?" She said, "We're praying for McKenna, can you stop asking me if I can cover you up?" He said, "Yes. But can you?"
The whole day kind of went like that. I dispensed appropriate discipline. He recited the obligatory apology and prayer of repentance relating the specifics of his sins to God. But 5 minutes later he was peeing on his sister's floor, or beating the dog, or coloring on the coffee table. He really didn't care what he did as long as it was somehow defiant or destructive. He smiled a cute little smile, and he really didn't seem to mind that he was going to have to deal with the consequeces of his behavior. We talked about how repentance means that you stop doing wrong and start doing right, but I think it went over his 2 year old head.

We cleaned house most of the day today. It looked ok at 2 pm. Now it looks like a tornado swept though a school and dropped all the school supplies randomly throughout our house. May God bless Anda as she and the kids start off the first day of school tomorrow.


Amy Woods said...

I love your blog!!! I will be following every post! Would love to get to get our two large families together!! Maybe a park would hold us!

April Cogburn said...

I'm right there with you!

Kendra said...

This story made me giggle . . I love 2 year olds (one at a time). Unpredictable, cute, and oh-so humbling at times! Blessings on you guys as you adjust to "school schedule"!