Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Just one more thing about that car...

I forgot to write about how thankful I am for the grace of God in not experiencing any fear this time! With our other car break-ins (sp?) and thefts I experienced a LOT of fear afterwards. I was nervous at p.m. and kept checking out my windows, etc. (this was in our "nice" neighborhood). I realized yesterday that I never even thought twice about the incident in regard to fear and this was interesting to me. Even tonight, RB won't be home until 11 or 12 and I feel no fear. SO thankful that God's grace really is always sufficient and that He gives peace that surpasses all understanding.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

I'm thankful for all of those blessings--no fear, preserved valuables, and only one window broken. Sorry it happened--I hate that violated kind of feeling, and the GPS is a handy little tool! May God continue to protect your family in the ways that matter.

Love you all!