Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday update

I hope you guys aren't getting sick of all these posts!  Randy stressed again today how THANKFUL he is for all your prayers.  He said that the team has been wonderful - everyone is walking in their role, all are getting along, and they've been extremely easy to lead.  Prayer is powerful and effective!  The MM had a much better day today and were encouraged.  Some of them hiked through the pouring rain and mud through a river to go evangelize in the market today.  He said it didn't feel real effective, but it was a great experience and gave lots of insight to their culture and also to some things Jesus must have experienced when HE walked through the market place.  He said it was just beautiful to watch sweet Deontay walk up to a lady who was not at all interested, asking her if she knows that Jesus loves her.  Pray for the team tomorrow as they go to an orphanage to feed somewhere around 300 orphans.  Also pray that Randy will have wisdom in deciding what to do during their last two days at Restoration Gateway (Thursday they will go to a wildlife reserve).  Also pray that they will see miracles and healings!  Not sure if this was anything, but pray that a girl who needs her hand healed will experience the love of Jesus through healing!  God is so good!  
Love to all of you!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

We love every detail of every update. Praying and thinking of all of you lots of times each day, and so glad to hear that God is doing great things. You're more than halfway through, and I hope your Sunday was peaceful and rich. Maybe at least rich! I have tried to think of some way to be there to hear all the stories when they get home, but we'll be leaving for Op Camp, so I guess we'll have to wait...Maybe you can send a few "post-trip updates" to fill us in:)

We love you all. Keep the updates coming!