Tuesday, June 23, 2009

light at the end of the tunnel

I feel like I should apologize for my meltdown on the blog earlier!!  LOL!  Thank you for praying.  Isaac is acting better tonight and is now eating ice cream before bed - I guess there are some beneficial things about this whole illness.  :)  Still praying that he will sleep tonight.  Please pray for protection on the Connally children.  Their family is moving here two days after Jeff returns from Uganda and we REALLY don't want their kids to get this!!!  My friend actually took my older ones to her house to spend the p.m. and so it's just me and the little boys.  As soon as Isaac is in bed, my house will be quiet.  crxcsxdhjgffdrryyu6uykj8i7iiiu8888jy (that's Isaac's "blog" for the p.m.)!  Again, in spite of these little and mundane trials, I can feel the presence of the Lord and the prayers of the saints.  And I continue to be amazed at the reports from Uganda.  Obviously, the Lord has been COVERING this team.  Cannot wait to hear their reports and see all the pictures when they return!!  Don't let down now, sometimes the trip home can seem like an eternity!  Continue to pray for health and rest when they start home on Friday.  Also pray that they will have many opportunities to continue to share the gospel on the way home.  

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