Tuesday, June 2, 2009

blog intimidation

I have been thinking in "blog" all day.  Does anyone know what I'm talking about?  I have this running blog entry going on in my mind half the day and I'm quite certain most of it will never make it out the tips of my fingers onto this screen.  Too tired (and sicky) tonight.  But here is one of my random thoughts.  A friend recommended a blog to me tonight and so I checked it out.  She also had her favorite blog links on her site and so I started checking out some of those.  SO many witty, beautifully designed, nifty little blogs.  I got sort of depressed (okay, not really).  But I must admit that I suddenly felt a little frumpy in the blog world.  Oh well.  
Here's my best attempt at communicating a funny Isaac story from Sunday.  McKenna was with him and he asked her, "McKenna, are goats weal (that's 'REAL', but you have to get the Isaac dialect)?"  She told him that yes, they are, a little puzzled.  But he wasn't satisfied.  "Ah they weally, weally weal?" he said with great passion.  Again, she told him yes.  Then he said in a very gruff and scary voice, "I mean the kind that hold a big blanket ovuh their heads and say 'I AM A GOAT!'"  She then started cracking up and asked if he meant GHOSTS.  He excitedly said "yeah!" and she told him that they weren't really weal.  THAT boy is also cracking us up at the moment.  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I think you are awesome and I love your blog :) You know half those people make that stuff up (kidding!) :) I "think in blog" too sometimes, drives me crazy! love ya! Ill call or text or something while Im gone. im sure ill get to check my email at some point.