Sunday, May 3, 2009

we all need a lot of grace...

One sad and one funny story:
Let's start with sad. Last p.m. I'm sleeping while RB is reading in bed and the phone rings around 10:45. He doesn't get it in time, but caller id says is it Tarrant County Jail. This could be a couple of people we know, but no one leaves a message. About an hour later the doorbell rings. I go and peek out the peephole and realize that it is one of our Mighty Men (yeah, 14-years-old, out by himself at midnight in the cold rain). We brought him in and he had some weird story about not catching a bus because the bus had a wreck. He had stolen a bike to ride over to our house so he could use the phone and get home (he lives about 20-25 minutes away). Poor kid - his language is deceit and so we have no idea what really happened. Randy took him home and dropped off the bike back where he supposedly "found it abandoned". We're assuming that he had been picked up by the police for whatever reason and that he was the one calling from the jail. Sigh. I was praying last p.m. that the truth would just start coming out of his mouth without him even thinking about it! I really can't believe how the Mighty Men really are turning into MEN! A couple of them are beginning to tower over me! Love those guys - need to pray more.

Okay, here's the funny story, perhaps the most pitiful hormonal moment I've ever had in my life. I would say that last week was pretty awful. I had NO energy, still nauseous, and my family is lucky that they ever got anything to eat! One of my extreme aversions right now is ground beef - not sure why, but texture and smell get me. Because I hadn't made dinner once again, my sweet husband made this interesting ground beef/noodle/velveeta concoction on Thursday p.m., which I ate. I also ate it for lunch on Friday because we had nothing else in the house due to the fact that I hadn't gone grocery shopping. So on Friday evening when he was on his way home, he called to ask what I wanted him to pick up for dinner (I would like to say that I finally went to the store yesterday - we'll be eating this week) and I told him Rosa's sounded good. He comes home with 2 pints of beans, 2 packages of tortillas, and 1 pint of...GROUND BEEF!! I was SO hoping for some CHICKEN!! When I realized he got ground beef, I said out loud to everyone, "I'm not going to cry about ground beef" as I start spilling tears right there in the middle of my kitchen. Moriah was really concerned and kept asking why I was crying. The boys were just watching me, not sure how to react. And then my husband, who was trying to be sympathetic and very apologetic, just lost it and burst out laughing. My boys followed his lead and soon I was laughing AND crying hysterically over a pint of ground beef. Randy explained to our kids that only a pregnant woman could pull off such a feat. God bless my poor husband and kids! :)


Trisha said...

Oh, how I love you, sweet sister! I'm so sad to hear about our MM, wondering which one...but knowing Dr. Brown handled it with grace and wisdom. Yes, we must pray more.
And loving you for your ground beef moment. Cracking up, hoping you don't hate tacos at the lake forever, and loving you!
I pray that this week will be better. Randy, next time bring chicken. Or call for an update from your sweet wife:)
And as we say at our house, LORD, have mercy!

Rachel said...

awwwwwh! you poor thing. who knows why we hate what we do when we are pregnant. thats so hard!
Sorry to hear about the MM :( What a blessing to have you and RB in his life though - you are showing him the love of Jesus!!! Praise God!

Brandynn said...

I had an aversion to ground beef also when I was pregnant with Tabitha, and I never knew why. It wasn't so much that I couldn't eat it, I just couldn't buy it. I would pick up the package, stare at it, put it back down, pick it up, start to walk away, then turn around and put it down again. If I managed to get the package in the grocery buggy, when I got back around the aisle and saw the meat section again, I'd have to put it back. I just felt sick looking at it.

Brad would ask if we were having burgers for dinner and I would say, "No. I couldn't buy it." He would just blink and tread lightly. :o)

Brandynn said...

PS - I've gone to visit family in the Tarrant County Jail. No fun. You guys are making a difference. Don't listen to the enemy when he tries to whisper otherwise. (Just stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la la la la ")

dale brown said...

What a blessing to the MM that they have you to call at the times of big messes in their lives. My prayer is that God will continue to give you strength equal to the opportunities to serve that He places in your path. Love you for loving them. Anda, I saw a t-shirt in a market in Oxford yesterday that made me think a bit of you. It said 'Who are all these kids and why are they calling me Mommy?' Your steady love for your family blesses them and many others. Blessings, Dad