Tuesday, October 28, 2008

third try!

Okay, so this is the third time in the last week that I've tried to blog. Both of my other attempts have been erased!! Annoying, but that's life. So here's my second attempt to brag about my children! I've always been hesitant to obnoxiously brag on my kids because I've never wanted to sound like I think they're perfect or that I've got it all down in the parenting thing! But I think any of you who really know me or who have read much of what I've written know that I'm not living in some dream world about perfect children, so I will now take the liberty to be a little obnoxious for a minute (this is really boasting in the Lord anyway!). Yesterday it was parent/teacher conference day at our kids' school and so we got to go in and get a progress report on how they're doing so far. It blew me away again. True, they are all getting straight A's (due to the fact that they inherited their dad's brains), but that was not what humbled me to my knees. The reports about their behavior and just about who they are brought so much glory to God and honor to us as their parents. And I just wanted to cry because I know about me and my very flawed mothering - the beauty of how God is shaping them is SO about His grace and so NOT about how we're doing it all right (I'm reminded hourly of how I'm NOT)! God is good! Here is what the teachers wrote about each of them:
Luke: "Luke is a delight to have in class. His fun sense of humor and his constant smile are a great addition to our class. Luke is a good listener, who seems to enjoy learning and participating in class. At times, he needs to be redirected in his excitement, but for the most part he seeks to do his best. I know God has big plans for Luke! He reads fluently and with great expression. He seems to have a solid level of comprehension in his reading, as well. I can tell that he has been exposed to a variety of reading experiences. Having this great foundation of reading will be an asset for him now and in the future. Socially, Luke is a friend to all his classmates and is liked by them. I appreciate that he is well-behaved and obedient during class. He treats others with kindness and respect. Luke is an encourager to all those around him."
His teacher just didn't have anything negative to say about him! Randy did ask if does cartwheels in class and she assured us that she has seen no cartwheels (this is good because we rarely actually see the boy sitting on his bottom at home - in fact, today when he got in the car, it wasn't long before he was actually doing a head stand in his seat while we waited for his older siblings).
Josiah: "Josiah is a wonderful example of a child growing in his faith. He recognizes the importance of putting Christ as the center of his life. God has truly blessed him with a wonderful mind. He is a fluid and expressive reader, and he comprehends most of what he reads. Josiah has excelled at all his academic endeavors so far this year. He gets along very well with all his classmates. He is respectful of adults and takes correction well. He is a valuable addition to our class, and I appreciate you sharing him with me this year." She also had no areas of improvement to recommend for him (okay, I warned you that this whole thing was obnoxious!)

McKenna: Her teacher actually did an acrostic with her name! ha! Here it is:
Meek, mighty
Kind, gentle heart
Elevates Christ Jesus
Never defeated
Near to the heart of God
Attentive to others
Her teacher shared a super encouraging story about her sweet loyalty. She said that one day several of the girls in her class were standing around saying negative things about their younger sisters. Honestly, McKenna could have joined right in that conversation if she had wanted to! :) (If you could have seen how Moriah was treating her yesterday a.m., you'd know exactly what I mean!). Anyway, instead of comparing notes, she looked at her teacher and said, "I love my sister." Sweet McKenna.

Well, I have SO much to write about - predominantly concerning this book I'm reading called Open Heart, Open Home by Karen Mains...BUT my husband is telling me that I need to be planning what I'm going to say on Thursday p.m. when we teach at Christ Fellowship's CORE training school. If most of you only KNEW how INCREDIBLY hilarious it is that I am going to be speaking at training school....now THAT's a story that gives God LOTS of glory! And I mean a LOT! More on that later and on hospitality and the poor, etc.! And I'll try to throw in a few pics to liven things up as well!
bye for now!


Kendra said...

I loved this . . .and I love reading about your sweet kids. And you can boast in the Lord about them every day if you want - they will read this one day and will take heart that their mama felt so passionately about them. Documenting your "boasts" is a GOOD thing - not obnoxious! he! Ok, I really gotta call you . . .need to see my buddy

Trisha said...

Boast on, Anda! I'm with Kendra that your words about them will only encourage them. And I hope it gives you great joy to know that God is using you mightily as their mama! I can't wait to hear more, and about your night at Training school! Love you!