Saturday, October 18, 2008

The simple gospel?

Have you ever tried to write a gospel tract? You know, the ones, that people give out on street corners and leave with their tips at restaurants? I've never been a big fan of them myself, but I'm actually trying to write one. You might think it a bit presumptuous of me to think that I can improve on the works of those who have spent years working to simplify and perfect the message to fit it in a pocket sized booklet. It is actually quite humbling. How do you take the infinite riches of Christ, the glory of the cross, and the beauty of God's amazing grace and summarize it in a few sentences. What is really important? What exactly should I tell a person to do to "get saved?"The only reason I'm writing a tract is because I haven't found one that says what I want to say in simple language. I was at church a few weeks ago listening to a great sermon. Early into it I thought, "I wonder how many words are not being understood by the boys who are sitting beside me." I started writing down the words I thought they might not be grasping. It was a simple, straightforward sermon, and I still wrote down about 40-50 words. As I was taking the boys home I went through about 15 of the words on my list just to see if I was right. They correctly knew only one of the 15.So that's why I'm writing a tract. I'm going to be part of an outreach at Como Elementary School at which we expect about 2000 people. We are having them walk out through a tent where a team of us will be there ready to tell them about Jesus. Truthfully, most of them will know more Bible than many of us do, but I pray that there will be some who have been touched by the love of Jesus and are ready to enter into new life with Him.So I pray that God will guide me to be able to clearly put into words what He invites them to and how they can accept his invitation. Please pray for me, and for them.


Kendra said...

I'll pray for you, Randrrr, and I want a copy of your tract after you write it, k? Blessings . .

Trisha said...

Yes, I want a copy. And I want to know more about your outreach at Como Elementary.

Oh, could you get me that tract in time for our Harvest Party next Friday? Really, it's not that complicated is it?

I had one of those moments last night at Kingdom Kids Club where I got to just explain the gospel in simple words. It always moves me to tears (literally), but as the kids sat there completely hanging on my every word I realized I had a honeybee hat on my head. Maybe they were just thinking I was crazy! Oh well. I'm already excited about our Bible retreat!