Monday, October 6, 2008


Byron was baptized yesterday and it was amazing! Randy got to baptize him in Christ Fellowship's famous "horse trough". Before they got in, Randy read him a blessing and it was beautiful. Outside of his "blood" sons, Randy considers him a son and Byron claims him as his dad. It's just cool. Tarita came and I got to spend some wonderful time with her after church at the park just hearing their story. It's not my story to tell, but let's just say that God is SOVEREIGN and GRACIOUS and AMAZING! I LOVE seeing how He orchestrates life's circumstances (i.e. a massive, catastrophic hurricane - for those of you who don't know, the Smiths were forced to move here after "Katrina" and that's when our paths crossed) to bring people together. He is SO good! And I also love seeing how he takes people who have NOTHING in common but Jesus and knits their hearts together. I can tell that Tarita and I are going to be friends. Byron has started bringing his buddies from the football team to church and he really sees the peer pressure thing and how God can use him positively - yesterday he brought the quarterback with him. Hopefully, he'll be back!
Sorry there are so many pics - just wanted you to feel like you were there! ha!
This proud mama was so excited about Byron and LOVES my little Malachi.
Randy reading his blessing for Byron.
He thought the water was a bit cold and had everybody cracking up with his drama!

Isaac loves his Byron (could be because the boy gives him WHATEVER he wants! :))

A very cold new creation! :)

(he's still really cold)


Kendra said...

Sweet . . .and I almost felt like I WAS there. God is so good, so sweet, so amazing.

Rachel said...

i love byrons expression when he is in the water - he is such a crack up!

Aaron said...

wow, you are really so happy~~

--> Beautiful Pictures

Charlotte said...

that last picture especially brings tears to my eyes.