Friday, April 2, 2010

The First Mighty Man to drive!?

Our sweet D'Leeland got his driver's license about a month ago and has been loving it! Randy made a deal with him - he goes to a tutoring learning center twice a week and he gets to use...drumroll, please...the beautiful cadillac!! (some of you may not be aware that my husband purchased a 1984 BLUE cadillac sedan deville a few months back...we're still not sure why, but people here in our neighborhood think he's really cool - or I guess they think D'Leeland's cool now). Anyway! We love D'Leeland and we are so proud of him!

Yes, this car is longer than our Suburban!!!


Rachel said...

wow that is SO awesome!!!!

Jenn said...

um, don't knock the cadillac. its the BOMB! and i don't live in your neighborhood, though i would in heartbeat ;o)