Monday, April 6, 2009

Somebody Has to Start Dancing

I have this picture of revival in my head.
I saw it at Opportunity Camp this summer. Someone started playing a song called "Cupid Shuffle." I had never heard it before. Apparently I was the only one. Almost as soon as the song started, someone started dancing. It wasn't long before others began to join in. Soon there was a whole room full of people-- black, white, young, old, coordinated and not-so-coordinated-- all moving in unison to the same song. It seemed that everyone knew exactly what to do. Everyone was smiling and laughing as the whole room stepped in the same directions together. No tripping, no falling, no fighting.
That's what I expect revival to look like when it comes to Como.
I saw a video of a similar situation in a train station in Germany. First a father and daughter started dancing, and before long a whole station full of strangers was dancing together. I tend to be the last one to join a dance. In fact, when I join, the other people normally begin laughing so hard that the dance quickly degrades into a guffawing mob of hecklers. But let's stop talking about my dancing skills (which I will forever attribute to my strict upbringing and not a lack of physical aptitude on my part), and let's get back to the original analogy.
Somebody has to start dancing. It's a risk to stand in the middle of a room of strangers and dance. (I've only done it one or 2 occasions, and the above description of the heckling mob stems from those experiences.) But for revival to happen, whether among a small group or a nation, there must be a core of dancers who lead the way. They inspire others to join, and as they move in unison together in response to the song of God they actually teach others the dance. Revival won't happen primarily through teaching. It will happen as disciples disciple others in the ways of God, by responding to his voice in obedience. That is the beauty of the line dance of God. The world will be able to look at us and see what to do, then just jump in and dance with us. Sure they will make mistakes as they learn, but instead of whacking their hand with a ruler we can just laugh together in the grace of God and take the next step together.
I bless you to start dancing to the music of your King. May your brothers and sisters join with you, and may you together penetrate the barren stillness around you.


Charlotte said...

Randy, I love this analogy. We're ready to dance!

Rachel said...

absolutely beautiful! I love that charlotte, "we're ready to dance"! We are too!

Trisha said...

This is beautiful, and even more beautiful than the analogy is the real-life experience! I've watched you step out on the dance floor (metaphorically speaking) and lead the way, and I see so many who have joined right in with you, many of whom I haven't even seen yet. Keep dancing, brother! I love the way you move (metaphorically speaking, of course:)