Friday, April 3, 2009

our baby

By the way, for any of you who were getting excited with our children for twins, I have to inform you that I saw our little one and it IS just ONE! I must confess that this is a relief, although I would have been excited about twins too. Everything looks great! There's just nothing like seeing and hearing that little heartbeat for the first time!


Rachel said...

what a blessing! so glad all is well! :) so how many wks are you?

Melissa said...

I am happy either way, because I know what a huge blessing your one will be upon my life. A Blessing is coming and for that I am happy. I have never had the experience of hearing a heartbeat like that. Makes me want to cry to think about that though.

Trisha said...

One of my favorite things about technology--that tiny little very strong heartbeat! Praise God!