Tuesday, October 12, 2010

melancholy night

Those of you who tend to be more melancholy understand maybe the desire to write more when you're down? Don't know; maybe that's just me. One week ago today I spoke at this small mom's get-together about the glory of God in my messed up life. :) Topic was walking in the grace of God - talked about things that kill grace in our lives and the weapons we need to use to keep walking in it. It was from God; it was much of my story, past and present; it was good stuff - wish I would listen to myself tonight! LOL! I know I'm different now. I know I don't believe all the old lies. I know He is here and He is with me. But it's as if the old demons love to rear their miserable heads right on the heels of me celebrating the freedom that God has brought and continues to bring. Sigh. So here I sit. Listening to my melancholy music. Writing my melancholy words. Kind of just wishing I had a two week break from life. But here is what I know that I know that I know (that I didn't used to know)...He is right here with me in my melancholy. And Hope whacks off the heads of the demons once again. :)

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