Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Piper Joy - 6 months old today!

Just wanted to take a few pics today of my littlest one - cannot believe it's been 6 months! She really is a joy and we all love her. Can't imagine our family without her! I crack up when I think about how different her "babyhood" is from that of her oldest sister. MK's world was so QUIET and scheduled and orderly. Piper's is LOUD (and she always has someone in her face) with a relatively flexible routine and not much order. I started baby food on the day MK turned 4 months old and I introduced new foods "by the book." Piper still isn't eating solids and one day recently I decided to see what would happen if I gave her a little bite of banana. Maybe I'll start soon - but it's such a PAIN?!?! Never missed a well-check or scheduled vaccination with MK. I still haven't gone to Piper's 4-month-old check up. MK had a baby book the size of Nebraska by the time she was 3 months old AND a "life book" that is in progress. Piper might get a scrapbook...when she's 20. Love this journey of motherhood and how the seasons are always changing. Piper seems like she's okay with her crazy life. :)

one of her favorite faces - squinchy nose


Trisha said...

She looks very content and well-adjusted! And darling! You were a great mama then and you are a great mama now! However different that might look, your kids are blessed to have you loving them!

Melissa said...

She is adorable. I smiled from ear to ear at the pictures. Thanks for posting.

Brandynn said...

My last two don't even have birth announcements. I sometimes think of making ones for them and just sticking them in their baby books and hoping they never realize I never actually sent any to anyone.

Thanks for your blog. We need to hear it.