Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Josiah!

Breakfast birthday cake yesterday morning (that's why he looks a little sleepy).
Didn't get this posted yesterday, but wanted to wish my sweet ELEVEN year old Happy Birthday! So proud of Josiah! Love his leadership, hard work, and the way he loves to analyze/figure things out - seeing engineer on fire for Jesus?? :) He is growing in Jesus and I can't wait to see what God does in his sweet heart this year! Love you Josiah! And isn't he handsome? :)


Trisha said...

Happy birthday, Josiah! It doesn't seem possible that it has been 11 years since you were born! You are an awesome young man and it is a blessing to be part of your family! We love you!

Melissa said...

Josiah, I hope that your day was wonderful. You are such a neat young man and your heart inspires me. I wish you lived here so that I could see more of you. You are one great kid and I love you! Happy Birthday!

Trisha said...

So what kind of breakfast cake is that??? Looks yummy!