Tuesday, May 25, 2010

blogworthy quote...

So today Isaac walks in and says with a bit of passion, but matter-of-factly (is that a word?): "Mom! Luke needs Dad's flashlight because he lost 2 pieces of his gum in my crack [pronounced 'cwack']!" I just sat there trying to decide when to bust out laughing. He didn't get how funny it was - he was just referring to the space between his bed and the wall. You wouldn't believe how many things have gotten lost, stuck, or found in his CWACK! LOL!!


Melissa said...

I have told several people this story and the look on their faces before I tell them he is talking about the cwack between his bed is just too funny. Then we just laugh.

Jenn said...

so, very, very funny! we have since quoted the CWACK thing whenever we can work it in :o)