"Thank you God for food and drink,
My shoes, my socks, the kitchen sink.
Thank you for my home and friends,
And all the blessings Jesus sends;
Anda thank you also for the cross
I hear you suffered quite a loss."
"The cross?" I hear my neighbor query,
"What is this which, like a cherry,
You reach in prayer with bended knee
To pluck from off the blessing tree?"
"It is the place where Christ was killed
That I will blessing might be filled.
He suffered there upon the tree
That all my blessings might be free."
"I see," said neighbor, "thinking deep.
He bought for you a life of sleep.
Forgive me, Saint, for I thought he
Did offer His same life to thee."
"I would not steal his glory, friend,
For on the cross his work did end.
The Word says Jesus paid my price.
To pay myself would not be nice."
"I quite agree my neighbor spoke.
You can pay nothing. You are broke.
But it is not dishonoring
To walk the footsteps of your king;
To worship him in word and deed
And not just in your lifeless creed."
May God bless us all to embrace the cross of Christ this Easter. Randy