Saturday, August 7, 2010

as if we're not weird enough...;)

Well, I'm not sure what happened over the last month or so, but I've become overwhelmed with how much our culture is controlled by media - the internet, tv, dvds, video games etc. I have begun using the dvd player as a babysitter a bit more frequently than I would like and so I began to wonder what would happen in our family and in our hearts if we "fasted" from all media for a short time - no internet (this is the hardest one for me) and no watching/playing anything. SO! Beginning tomorrow we are leaving the media frenzy for about 3 weeks - we will return on September 1st. I pray that we spend more time listening to God, reading our Bibles, talking to each other instead of staring into screens, and that we share books and more of life together. I guess we'll see what happens! If you need to reach us, you'll have to be crazy and CALL! :) I'll let you know how this experiment went in September!


Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God's blessings. Lloyd

Vicki S said...

Hi, we are not Catholic but for Easter this year, we decided to go without something we normally can't do without. I had to go without my computer for an entire week! It almost killed me (ha ha) and how my fingers itched to get at the keyboard. It certainly made me appreciate it more!

What you're doing is a great idea. I think next year we might all fast together and do without media for a week.... if you can do it for three weeks, I'm sure we could do it for one.