Tuesday, June 15, 2010

thankful for friends

Okay, so I'm 37 years old now and I guess you could say that I feel the "middle-aged" season approaching. Life just feels different. I've got a daughter who will be a TEENAGER next month, I don't care near as much what people think about me, and I'm pulling out these crazy gray hairs (which are well-camoflauged - sp? - due to the fact that I'm a ditzy blonde)! And, oh yeah, I think it's time for some sort of makeover because I can't seem to conceal the dark circles under my eyes anymore. Whatever. Here's what I'm overwhelmed with in this new season: I am so incredibly thankful for the friendships that have been orchestrated by God over the past several years. OVERWHELMED with gratitude. I mean, really. If I didn't have the handful of women who have walked with me through lots of life, this season wouldn't be as sweet. If I didn't have them, I'm pretty sure I would go bananas. If I didn't have them, I wouldn't know the sweetness of Christ. I wouldn't be able to taste His beauty in the same way. They are the ones who have shown me what it means to be vulnerable, to walk in grace, to walk by the Spirit. They are strong and confident prayer warriors and are powerful forces in the kingdom of God. I love to laugh with them and raise my kids with them. I love my husband better because of them. They have seen all my junk and I have found the unconditional love of Christ in them. I am just utterly AMAZED and OVERWHELMED with GRATITUDE ladies! I know this is a cheesy post, but I've been pondering it a lot lately - you know who you are and you are deeply cherished! Praise God for the gift of your lives!

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