Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the wisk in my head

Quiet. All I can hear is the hum of the dryer. Wish all the laundry - all 10 loads of it - was folded. Not tonight.

Wish I had words to describe what God is doing in my heart and mind. Too tired tonight. But lets just say that today I felt like there was a wisk (is this the way you spell this word?!) in my head. Scrambled brain. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? (if you do, I'm quite sure you're a woman - no man can fully comprehend how this happens). I felt like I couldn't put two thoughts together. Tomorrow promises to be worse if God doesn't show up and take the wisk away!
Saturday - my hubby and I had one of the worse days we've had together in a long time - a little trouble readjusting to life together upon his return from Haiti.
Sunday p.m. - had life group here - around 30 people including our family
Monday pm. - helped RB lead a Bible study down at the apartments - awkward and beautiful
Tuesday p.m. - a few neighborhood girls had dinner with us (unexpectedly, of course)
Wednesday p.m. - 5 Mighty Men and one Mighty Mentor came and inhaled our leftovers from the past 3 days; they arrive after I send six other neighborhood kids home for the night
Tomorrow - we will celebrate Luke's b'day because I won't be in town this weekend and
Moriah will go to her first soccer practice; I'll have to send the neighborhood kids home because I don't think I can do 12 or 13 kids while trying to get Luke's bday dinner ready...
Friday a.m. - I leave to go to a mommy conference with Sally Clarkson until Sunday a.m. Can I just say that I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!! Think maybe I need a little break.

I have no idea why I'm writing all this down. I think maybe I needed to see that there is a reason my brain is feeling spacey! I just read this great blog post about this single girl who lives in Africa and has adopted 11-12 orphans. She was commenting about the fact that someone kept saying to her that they would love to do what she does and would do it in a heartbeat if they could. She got angry because she didn't believe the woman really would because she hadn't counted the cost. She loves what she's doing and wouldn't trade it for the world, but it is not glamorous. When I write about the events of my week, it would be easy to "glamorize" it and I could make it sound adventurous. Truth is that I've been clinging to Jesus in desperation this week. It has felt like transition in labor when you want to quit with everything in you, but that's really just not an option. Sigh. I'm thankful for these times in which I realize again how much I need Him - not to just come and give me something or "fix" some situation...I need HIM. I need HIM to come and LIVE HIS life through me, not just help me out. There has, and will continue to be, much grace for this adventure He has invited us to.

Can hear hubby snoring in my bedroom. Dryer has stopped. Time for this mama to go to bed. Will start again tomorrow with the new mercies that are mine at each day's dawn....Maybe a little snack first - I don't have to share at this time of night. :)

This is what my scrambled head knows: He. Is. Good. Infinitely good.

Here are a couple of pics:
MK took this one of Isaac and flower - like it!
Narnia like view from our front door a couple of weeks ago - beautiful
Nana, we really like our bench cushion and pillows - it's a favorite reading hangout for all the kids! :)


Cindy Gravitt said...

I love your blog, I love your heart, I love your pictures, I love your family! I love you! And miss you just as much!

Rachel said...

great post Anda. im only whisking 4 eggs over here in my brain and barely standing upright some days, i cant imagine 7 plus tons of neighborhood kids! I know you dont feel like you are amazing but you are ~ the Lord is doing an amazing work through you! thanks for sharing your heart and great pictures! :)

Trisha said...

Been thinking about you all weekend, praying that it was amazingly refreshing and gave you strength for what God has called you to.

I love you, sister. I'm proud of what you're doing. You are beautiful in every way! Give kisses to all those kids!